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Smokey Baby Aubergine with Yogurt Dressing

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Josh Posner , Level 1
Josh Posner
Elegant and delicious this baby eggplant recipe incorporates garlic, yogurt and thyme to make a light and savory vegetarian dish. Using simple and easy to find ingredients, Chef Josh Posner invites you to explore the world of winter produce in this Grokker Premium video.

Cooking Recipe

4 baby eggplants (aubergine), sliced in half (may also be substituted by regular eggplants, sliced into ½ inch thick pieces)
1/2 cup (100ml) of natural yogurt
2 large cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
3/4 of a cup (100ml) of light olive oil or vegetable oil
1 small lemon
1/4 cup (50ml) extra virgin olive oil
A pinch of sea salt or to taste
A pinch of smoked salt (may be substituted with smoked paprika)
A bunch of fresh thyme

1. Place a pan on a medium to high heat and add 4 tablespoons of olive oil. When the oil is hot add the garlic. Get a plate with kitchen towel ready.

2. As soon as the garlic is golden brown and crispy remove from the pan and place on the towel. Keep a close eye on them (there€s nothing worse than burnt garlic).

3. Make sure all garlic is removed from the pan. In the same pan place the eggplants (aubergines) flesh side down and cook until golden on the underneath. Then flip over to cook the other side, again until golden. Be careful of the oil spitting.

4. Make the dressing by adding a squeeze of lemon juice to the yogurt, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of olive oil and give a good mix. If necessary, season further to taste. When the eggplants are cooked finish with a pinch of smoked salt. Remove the eggplants from pan and drain on a plate with kitchen paper towel.

5. Smear the dressing onto the plate and place the 4 eggplant pieces on each plate, skin side down. Dress with garlic chips and thyme.


Smokey Baby Aubergine with Yogurt Dressing


Suzie R.
I just wanted to say thank you for your site. I discovered it via Anna Olson, my baking mentor. Finding high quality cooking videos that really teach you about food and techniques is such a challenge and yours are amazing. I can't wait to do some recipe testing and love that it is so easy to email yourself the recipes!
Suzie R.
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