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Tofu Steak with Mushroom Topping

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Reiko Hashimoto , Level 1
Reiko Hashimoto
These delicious and healthy tofu steaks are quick and easy to make, and are absolutely perfect for any vegan or vegetarian, but the meat eaters will love them as well. Watch Reiko Hashimoto in this Grokker Premium video share some of her Japanese cooking secrets with you.

Cooking Recipe

Serves: 2
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Ready In: 15 minutes

1 firm tofu
1 tsp sesame oil
250g-300g assorted mushrooms, preferably Japanese, like enoki and shiitake
70g streaky bacon, sliced (optional)
1 clove garlic, finely sliced
2 tsp grated fresh ginger
2 tbsps spring onion, finely chopped (white part)
1 tbsp vegetable or sunflower oil
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsps soy sauce
2 tbsps mirin
pinch of white pepper
pinch of sansho pepper
pinch of salt
3 table spoons corn flour
2 tbsp spring onion, finely chopped (green part)
2 tbsp bonito flakes

1. Wrap the tofu with a couple of layers of kitchen towel and place a heavy cutting board on top of the tofu. Leave it for a while to allow as much water to drain out as possible, while taking care not to break the tofu.

2. Cut the mushrooms into little bite size pieces, finely slice garlic, finely chop spring onion and grate the ginger.

3. Pat dry tofu and cut the block in half horizontally, so you have two thin slices. Cut each of these slices into quarters, so you have eight even blocks in total. Dust the tofu with corn flour seasoned with salt, white pepper & sansho pepper and pat with your hands. Slide the tofu in a frying pan with vegetable oil for about 3 minutes each side, or until the tofu becomes light golden color. If tofu is becoming dry, add a little extra oil.

4. While cooking the tofu, heat the butter and a little oil in a different pan over medium-high heat and add the garlic, ginger, the white part of spring onion and bacon & mushrooms. Then cook for 3-4 minutes or until the mushrooms are softened and the bacon is cooked thoroughly. If bacon is not used, add a little extra ginger to enhance the flavour.

5. Once mushrooms are softened, add the soy sauce and mirin. Turn up the heat to high and stir until the liquid is almost evaporated. Then remove from the heat.

6. Place the tofu on the plate and pour mushroom & bacon mixture over tofu. Sprinkle finely chopped green part of the spring onions and bonito flakes.

Tofu with Mushrooms
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Suzie R.
I just wanted to say thank you for your site. I discovered it via Anna Olson, my baking mentor. Finding high quality cooking videos that really teach you about food and techniques is such a challenge and yours are amazing. I can't wait to do some recipe testing and love that it is so easy to email yourself the recipes!
Suzie R.
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