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Buttery Glazed Carrots

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Sage Russell , Level 9
Sage Russell
This quick and easy carrot recipe makes a colorful side dish for your thanksgiving dinner table. Don't tell but Sage's secret ingredient is the zest and juice of an orange! Watch Sage Russell in this Grokker Premium video as he shows you this delicious twist on a traditional carrot side dish perfect to bring along to thanksgiving or for any other dinner party.

Cooking Recipe

Serves: 6

3 cups (500g) chantaneille carrots
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp or a large nob of butter
1 heaped tbsp of grainy brown sugar
Zest and juice of 1 orange
Salt to taste

1. Heat the oil in a pan and soften the carrots for 3-4 minutes on a medium heat.

2. Stir in the butter until it melts through for another 3-4 minutes or until the carrots are tender.

3. Add the sugar and season with a pinch of salt. Continue to stir until the sugar dissolves into the butter mixture.

4. Pour in the orange juice and cook over a high heat for another 4 minutes.

5. Turn down the heat and add the orange zest before serving.


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Suzie R.
I just wanted to say thank you for your site. I discovered it via Anna Olson, my baking mentor. Finding high quality cooking videos that really teach you about food and techniques is such a challenge and yours are amazing. I can't wait to do some recipe testing and love that it is so easy to email yourself the recipes!
Suzie R.
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