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Wasabi Crusted Lamb Chops with Tomato & Mint

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Andrew Kojima , Level 1
Andrew Kojima
By crusting this rack of lamb in crushed wasabi peas, Andrew really gives this dish a wonderful kick, which is perfectly complemented by the sweetness of the caramelised cauliflower purée and the freshness of the tomato and mint dressing. Join Andrew Kojima in this Grokker Premium Video as he explores contemporary Japanese food, using wonderful British meat and poultry.

Cooking Recipe

Cauliflower Purée
½ stick of butter
½ cauliflower
Salt to taste
2 tbsp water
2 tsp olive oil

Wasabi Crusted Lamb Chops
1½ lb rack of lamb
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
2 tsp sunflower oil
1 tbsp butter
1 cup store-bought wasabi peas
2 tbsp mustard

Tomato and Mint Dressing
4 tomatoes, finely diced
2 tsp salt
1 sprig of mint, finely shredded

5 okra
¼ cup water
1 tsp salt

Cauliflower Purée
1. Start by removing the core of the cauliflower, and peal away the larger of the outer leave. Keep the smaller and nicer leaves, as they are delicious and should be used as a piece of garnish. Before serving drizzle the olive oil over the leaves and season with a little salt, and serve alongside the lamb. Break up the florets of the cauliflower into small chunks.

2. Over a medium-high heat add 3 tbsp of the butter to a frying pan, and then caramelise the cauliflower with a generous seasoning of salt.

3. Once the cauliflower has become a rich golden brown color, which should take about 10-15 minutes, remove the cauliflower from the pan. To the caramelised cauliflower add the rest of the butter and the water, and then purée it with a stick blender until smooth.

Wasabi Crusted Lamb Chops
1. Pre-heat an oven to 360°F (180°C). Start by preparing the lamb, by pealing away the skin, and then removing the excess flesh from the bones to achieve a French trim. Finally cut away the sinew, by slicing underneath it, and gently running your knife underneath the sinew. Finally season the lamb on all sides with salt and pepper.

2. Heat the oil and the butter in a pan, and seal the lamb on all sides, until browned on each side.

3. In a blender, pulse the wasabi peas briefly, until they become the approximately the size of large breadcrumbs.

4. Once the lamb has been sealed, brush the meat with the mustard, and then roll the rack in the wasabi peas, so that they coat the flesh. Place the lamb on a wire rack, over an oven tray so that the air can circulate around the meat. Place the lamb into the oven for 7-8 minutes, or until the meat becomes springy and bounces back when pressed.

5. Make sure to rest the meat for 5-10 minutes before serving.

Tomato and Mint Dressing
1. To make the sauce simply mix together the finely chopped tomatoes, the mint, and season generously with salt, and it is ready for serving.

1. In a pan over a medium heat add the water, the salt and the okra, cover with a lid, and allow to cook for around 5-10 minutes, or until the okra have become tender.

Wasabi Crusted Lamb Chops
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I just wanted to say thank you for your site. I discovered it via Anna Olson, my baking mentor. Finding high quality cooking videos that really teach you about food and techniques is such a challenge and yours are amazing. I can't wait to do some recipe testing and love that it is so easy to email yourself the recipes!
Suzie R.
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