Equipment: Kettlebell or Dumbbell
4 minute warm-up
7 Rounds. Each round consists of three sets of two alternating exercises. The first exercise is a body weight only exercise and the second is performed with a kettlebell or dumbbell. The first exercise is performed for 20 seconds, followed by the second exercise performed for 20 seconds, followed by a 10 second rest. Repeat two more times to complete the round of three sets.
Round 1 - High Knees + KB Swings
30 second rest
Round 2 - Tuck Jumps + KB Side Lunges
30 second rest
Round 3 - Skaters + KB Cleans
30 second rest
Round 4 - Runner Jumps + KB Clean & Press
30 second rest
Round 5 - Mountain Climbers + Russian Twists with KB
30 second rest
Round 6 - Plank Jacks + V-Ups with KB
30 second rest
Round 7 - High Planks leg-Out/Knee-Ins + Suitcase Sit-ups with KB
3 minute warm-down