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Speed & Agility Cardio Workout

Sarah Kusch , Level 33
Sarah Kusch
Burn fat while improving your agility and speed during this 20-minute cardio workout. It’s low impact, no equipment is needed, and is accessible to all levels of fitness.


No equipment is needed for this workout.

2-Minute Dynamic Warm-Up, 16-Minute Workout, 2-Minute Mobility and Static Stretch Cool-Down:

Side step kick backs
Side chop high knees
Double cross crunches
Lateral lunges
Front step rockers
Jack flys
Lateral scissors
High knee jacks
Warrior 2 step backs
Lateral slide reach downs
Lateral lunges

Speed & Agility Cardio Workout


Tiffany L.
I am already loving your site. I did the Kick Your Abs workout the other night and it nearly killed me--in an awesome way!
Tiffany L.
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