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Train and Transform: Cardio Workout 1

Pace and Go , Level 12
Pace and Go
This cardio workout will quickly get your metabolism fired up and burning some serious calories. Working all muscle groups, this session will test your endurance, speed and strength. Be sure to complete the warm up and cool down to avoid injury.


Warm Up: perform each exercise for 30 seconds

Open chest jacks
Spotty dogs double bounce
Lateral skip with to rotation extend
Jack -sumo squat- adductor stretch- forward arms raise
Reverse lunge - kick reach (hamstrings)

Workout: perform each exercise for 60 seconds

High knees forward and back along the mat
Lateral 123 - touch the instep
Semi circle alternate squat thrust
Jump jack (arms high)
Lateral skaters (across the width of the mat)
Cossack (hips down for 2, hips up for 2)
Arm sprints X 10 - switch feet
Lateral lunge to rotate punch
Inverted donkey kicks with double bounce
Climbers (forward and back) up and down the mat
Low lateral squat jumps - 3 squats
Forearm plank Tic Toc - Squat thrust
5 double unders - 10 punches
¼ turn jump twists
Burpees - low squat - 5 fast feet

Cool down: perform each exercise for 30 seconds

Prone position quad stretch
Seated groin stretch - Ming legs extended stretch
Seated hamstring stretch - seated side bends with arm over the top
Seated hamstrings stretch

Cardio Workout 1
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Tiffany L.
I am already loving your site. I did the Kick Your Abs workout the other night and it nearly killed me--in an awesome way!
Tiffany L.
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