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Train and Transform: Strength Workout 2

Pace and Go , Level 12
Pace and Go
Join Jenny and Wayne for the second strength building session designed to work the lower body, upper body and core with 15 challenging moves. This class will take your strength training to the next level and get every muscle in the body working hard.


Warm up: perform each exercise for 30 seconds

Cross jack
Deep sumo squat
Alternate kick punch
Alternate standing pigeon
Standing arms out kick across the body to hand

Workout: perform each exercise for 60 seconds

Sumo squat (fingers to floor) - 3 pulse - stand to butt squeeze
Press up - knee tuck jump to elbows
Roll back - limb lifter - stand
Prisoner forward lunge pulse - reverse lunge pulse - change
Tricep dip - lift extend opposite leg - shoulder tap
Kick up (from bent knees) - bent leg windscreen wiper
Squat - front curtsey
Forearm elbow pump - push up
1/2 turkish v-sit
Bridge 1 leg extend
Hindu push up
Core rockers - into twist
Sumo squat - ninja pose
Torpedo push ups - jump feet diagonal to elbow - push up
Y dorsal raises - upper body - lower body - full body

Cool down: perform each exercise for 30 seconds

Standing hamstring reach
Quad stretch
Tricep reach with side bend
Repeat on the other side body

Strength Workout 2
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Tiffany L.
I am already loving your site. I did the Kick Your Abs workout the other night and it nearly killed me--in an awesome way!
Tiffany L.
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