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Butt Workout 2
2-3x a week
EQUIPMENT: 3-15 pound hand weights/dumbbells (PLUS: towel, water)
WORKOUT MOVES AND REPETITIONS ('reps') in this workout:
1. SQUAT - 15 reps
2. Alternating Lunges W/ Leg Lift - 10 reps PER LEG
3. Dead Lifts - 15 reps
4. Kettle Bell Swing - 20 reps
5. Rest/ Water Break- 30 seconds
6. Sumo Squat - 15 reps/ 3 straight/ 6 to each side
7. 3-Points Lunge - 4 full rotations (forward, back, right side, left side)
8. Single Leg Dead Lift - 10 reps each side
9. Squat Thrust - 15 reps
10. Quad Stretch & Hamstring Stretch- 20 seconds each