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HIIT #5 - Performance

Sarah Kusch , Level 33
Sarah Kusch
Get ready to do some really dynamic moves - over 16 different movements. Put everything you've learned in Sarah's other workouts into action. Grab your hand weights - if you have them, for a greater challenge - and have some fun. This workout offers a ton of variety with no repeating the same move twice.


Equipment Required: Dumbbells - you can do this workout without dumbbells. If you have two sets you may want to have them handy to modify the weight used during the various exercises.

Dynamic Warm-Up (~4 minutes), followed by a 26-Minute Workout (see below), with a Cool-Down (~3 minutes)

Each exercise is performed for approx. one minute back to back.

* Lateral Lunges with Hop
* Fast Feet In & Outs
* Lateral Lunge With Back Kick
* Forward Lunge to Sumo Squat with Curl
* Bent-Over Tricep Kickbacks & Rows
* Single Leg Deadlifts
* High Knees
* Wall Sits
* Butt Kickers
* Bent-Over Row + Dead Lift
* Press + Tricep Kickback
* Around the Worlds
* Burpee Plank Rows
* Russian Twists
* Plank Front Kick Thrus
* Crunch + Press UPs

HIIT #5 - Performance
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Tiffany L.
I am already loving your site. I did the Kick Your Abs workout the other night and it nearly killed me--in an awesome way!
Tiffany L.
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