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Core Waistline Workout

Kathryn Marie, Level 1
Kathryn Marie
Engage your core and add visible tone using a kettlebell. No kettlebell? No problem, just grab a dumbbell or even a milk jug. Kathryn Marie will help you slim your waist and erase your love handles with russian twists, crunches, planks and more. Use this Grokker Premium workout as a part of the Kettlebell Transformation series for best results.


Equipment: Kettlebell or Dumbbell (Beginner modifications don't require any weights)

Workout Overview:

4-Minute Warm Up
3-Minute Cool Down
3 Sets, each consisting of 3 exercises performed 2 times each

Set One:
Knee-Ins - 15 Reps/Leg
Russian Twists - 15 Reps/Leg
Plank Lifts - 20 Reps

Set Two:
Suitcase Sit-Ups - 15 Reps/Side
C-Sit Push-Outs - 10 Reps
Plank Reaches - 10 Reps/Arm

Set Three:
Plank Up-Downs - 5 Reps/Side
Side Planks - 10 Reps/Side
Plank Leg Taps - 10 Reps/Side

Core Waistline Workout
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Tiffany L.
I am already loving your site. I did the Kick Your Abs workout the other night and it nearly killed me--in an awesome way!
Tiffany L.
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