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Running Workouts - Five Great Workout Ideas for Distance Runners

Here are five different running workouts for distance runners instead of doing a typical distance run. 1. Long Run - This is especially important to those training for a half marathon or a marathon run. Build up to at least a 10-12 mile run for a half marathon training program, and a 18-22 mile long run for a marathon. 2. Fartleks or "Speed Play" - This is where you pick up the pace during a typical distance run. Run faster than normal for a set period of time, go back to regular pace, and then pick it up again. 3. Tempo-Run.html Tempo Run. This is where you run a little slower than race pace for a sustained period of time. It's tough to do, but it increases your fitness level by leaps and bounds! 4. Progressive Run. You get "progressively" faster each mile of the distance run. Start relatively slow, and build up to a fast pace by the end of the run. 5. Intervals. Do a good warm up first. Run fast for a shorter distance, anything from a 400 meters to 1 mile, and then stop. Rest for a certain amount of time, and repeat the same short distance at a quicker pace. There are several more running workouts out there, but these five are very effective in getting you into great shape if you do them consistently. Happy Trails - Coach Tief Special thanks to Mrs. Coach Tief for appearing in the video.
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Tiffany L.
I am already loving your site. I did the Kick Your Abs workout the other night and it nearly killed me--in an awesome way!
Tiffany L.
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