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Lower Body Strength & Toning Package

Sarah Kusch , Level 33
Sarah Kusch
Switch it up with this lower body workout to keep your routine balanced. You'll strengthen and tone, and Sarah offers modifications for all levels along with her signature form & motivation tips!


For this workout you need don't need any equipment, but a mat is optional.

- Sumo squat pulse step-in
- Wide deadlift
- Slow leg circles
- Kick stand squat
- Forward curtsey
- Kick stand squat
- Plank leg raise
- Single romanian deadlift to lateral lunge
- Front-to-back curtsey
- Single leg kickback
- Staggered deadlift to split squat
- Eccentric hamstring walk

Lower Body Strength & Toning


Tiffany L.
I am already loving your site. I did the Kick Your Abs workout the other night and it nearly killed me--in an awesome way!
Tiffany L.
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