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Total Body Muscle-Building

Toby Massenburg , Level 63
Toby Massenburg
Are you ready for Toby's Level 3 Finisher?? In this video, Toby creates a veritable best-of workout that's sure to be your new favorite. Hitting the whole body and combining barbell moves and dumbbell moves for max gains, this is the pro circuit to take your muscle building to the next level.


For this workout you should use a bench and weight rack with a long barbell, as well as a pair of dumbbells, making this a perfect workout to take with you to the gym on your phone! If you don't have access to this equipment, you can substitute dumbbells for all the exercises, and you should choose weights for each exercise that allow you to do 10-12 reps in each set.

Level 3: Total Body Muscle-Building


Tiffany L.
I am already loving your site. I did the Kick Your Abs workout the other night and it nearly killed me--in an awesome way!
Tiffany L.
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