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Squat Reach & Flare Clock For Flexibility

Angelo Dela Cruz , Level 7
Angelo Dela Cruz
This workout will challenge your balance, flexibility and overall body control. Join Angelo as he introduces you to nine great movements that are a fun alternative to standard issue exercises. Give it a try and see how you progress in your overall body control each time you do the workout.


Equipment Needed: None - Body Weight Only

Optional: Mat

Exercises: 2 Rounds
1. Knee Lift & Press
2. Squat Push-up
3. Squat with Arm Raise
4. One Arm/One Leg Deadlift
5. Cheetah to Crab
6. Squat Leg Reaches
7. Seated Twisting Leg Flex
8. Bridge Flexes
9. Flare Clock

Flex & Control #6


Tiffany L.
I am already loving your site. I did the Kick Your Abs workout the other night and it nearly killed me--in an awesome way!
Tiffany L.
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