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Total Strength: Arms, Back, and Chest Dumbbell Workout

John Godfrey , Level 1
John Godfrey
Welcome to your upper body dumbbell workout, designed to target your arms, back, and chest, all in just 20 minutes! Using a combination of presses, curls, and rows this workout is going to hit every part of your upper body giving you strong and toned arm. Join John Godfrey in this Grokker Premium Video for his Total Strength series, and get the upper body you've always wanted!


Equipment: Exercises mat and a heavy and a light dumbbells

Perform a 5 minute heart raising warm-up before this workout
8-Minute Workout
4-Minute Cool down

Workout: Perform each of the following exercises for between 8-10 reps
Bent over row single arm row
Lying press to single arm press
Military press to single arm military press
Standing fly front raises
Standing tricep extension
Dumbell curl
Upright row
In line bent over row
Chest flys
Lying swimmers
Overhead shoulder raises
Split stance lean-overs
Racing drivers
Bent over kickbacks
Standing bicep curl 21's

Upper Body Dumbbell Workout


Tiffany L.
I am already loving your site. I did the Kick Your Abs workout the other night and it nearly killed me--in an awesome way!
Tiffany L.
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